Things to ponder
Things to ponder
Things to ponder prior to your next visit to our office.
- Would you like clear lenses that darken in the sunlight and protect your eyes from harmful UVA and UVB?
- How many pair of glasses do you currently own? One pair may not meet all your needs-does one pair of shoes work for everything?
- Do you have trouble reading signs when driving at night?
- Do you have prescription sunwear? Are your lenses polarized?
- Describe your ideal pair of eyeglasses.
- About your lenses, are durability and clean ability important to you?
- Do you wear your glasses for physical activities (yardwork, housework, at the gym, etc.)? Do they protect your eyes?
- Do you wear your eyeglasses all day? What would make them more comfortable?
- Did anyone talk to you about our "Second Pair" sale? We can offer you a 30% discount on a second pair when ordered at the same time as your primary pair. How about sunwear, computer glasses, safety glasses, back-up glasses, or just another pair for fashion?
- Do you crave the latest in technology? Do you have a blue-ray disc player, flat-screen television, digital camera, etc.? What about your eyewear are your lenses digitally-surfaced with wave-front or free-form technology?
Some useful and fun facts:
- The human eye blinks approximately 11,000 times per day which equals over 4,000,000 times per year.
- The eye is approximately the size of a ping pong ball that contains over two million working parts.
- The average healthy 20 year-old eye allows up to three times more light than the average 60 year-old.
- During the course of the day as your eyes adjust to different types of lighting conditions and focal distances, scientists estimate your eyes will expend the same amount of energy that your leg muscles would expend if you walked 50 miles.
- Light travels at 186,282 miles per second. That means in the snap of your fingers, it has encircled the earth 7.5 times. When light enters your eye, your eye does three things with the light. It changes the speed, direction, and the amount.
- Sometimes the eye needs help with the direction and the amount.
- When light enters one's eyes, it is focused to the back of the eye where over 130 million photoreceptor cells convert the light and the image into electrical-chemical impulses that are sent via the optic nerve to the brain to give us our perception of the world around us.
- The conversion of that light into electrical-chemical impulses is one of the highest metabolic activities in the human body.
- An April 2007 USA survey asks consumers 'what is your greatest health fear as most negatively impacting your life style?' Two responses tied for first being paralyzed and loss of vision.
- The eye and the brain which compose 2% of our total body weight consume 25% of nutrition.
- In the year 2006, the first wave of 78 million 'baby-boomers' turned 60. From that day until 2024, there will be one person turning 60 every 7 seconds.